The Big Wish Is your answer to amazing events 💫
Experience the excitement with large fun fairs , food and beverages, and other entertainment in the industry
Experience the excitement with large fun fairs , food and beverages, and other entertainment in the industry
At The Big Wish Ltd we strive to create an unforgettable experience for our guests, providing a platform for us to plan a large event for you in your community.
All our events are CCTV and security operated, we aim to make all our events as safe as possible for all our visitors.
Founded in 2020, The Big Wish Ltd has since become a a big name in event planning and fun-fair ride operators, in this industry as being a well known name of a member of the great showman’s guild For over 20 years.
Attracting locations around the world with numerous fair rides and traveling fun fairs we are proudly committed to making sure our events are first class.
Check out this great video
Arena Way, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 7NA, United Kingdom
• We do not take any responsibility for lost property or damages.
If you have lost a item at one of our events and it has been found it will be at the main entrance gate you will be asked to show some form of ID Before it’s handed over.
please read all safety notices before taking part in any of the attractions.
sometimes due to high winds and weather conditions, some rides may be closed. This is for safety reasons.
• We will not tolerate rude and inappropriate behavior to any member of the public or members of staff working at the event.
if this becomes the case you will be asked to leave the site.
•We welcome pets at the event but we ask that all dogs are keep on a short lead and are not left unattended at any point, in doing so the dog will be taken to the main entrance where it will wait for it’s owner.
•You maybe asked to be patted down if a member of the security team think you are carrying something dangerous or bringing in alcohol to the site.
• Refunds are not given on site so please make sure you read all the instructions and notices on site to avoid confusion
•Free entry to all NHS STAFF with your NHS ID Card.
No BlueLightCard‘s
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